ASUR : A tiny tribe threatened with extinction. Traditional iron smelters and metal workers. Ancient metal relics discovered from Asur sites in modern times. Still carrying out hunting, gathering and shifting cultivation.
BAIGA : A tiny tribe also found in other States of India. Traditional priests and medicine men.
BANJARA : A tiny tribe which means forest wanderer.
BATHUDI : A tiny tribe mostly found in Singhbhum District. They make ropes, collect and sell forest produce and filter gold dust from the river Subarnarekha. They also work as casual labourers.
BEDIA : Modestly large tribe. They are settled agriculturist. They are also engaged in selling fire-wood, collect shellac and other forest produce. In the cities they work as casual labourers and rickshaw pullers.
BINJHIA : Very small tribe. They are settled agriculturists but also work as wage labourers in mines and quarries.
BIRHOR : Bir means jungle and hor means man. Traditionally they were nomadic but now settled in Ranchi, Gumla and Hazaribag Districts. They are threatened by extinction. They are still mostly landless and earn their living by rope making, hunting, gathering and fishing. At certain places the government has constructed huts for them which they do not find suitable.
BIRJIA : A tiny tribe. Birjia means fish of the jungle. For a living they are engaged in shifting cultivation, wage labour, selling fire-wood, basketry and iron work.
BHUMIJ : A modestly large tribe which means son of the soil. They are basically agriculturists. Some anthropologists describe them as the hinduised section of a larger tribe called Mundas.
CHERO : A modestly large tribe living in Palamau. They are settled agriculturists.
CHIK BARAIK : Traditional weavers now taken-up agriculture for living.
GOND : Found in many States but are concentrated in South Jharkhand. They maintain economic relationship with other tribes such as Kharias and Oraon.
GORAIT : A tiny tribe. The traditional drum beaters, now taken up agriculture for living.
HILL KHARIA : A tiny tribe on the verge of extinction.
HO : A large tribe, cognate of the Mundas and Santals living in Kolhan. They are settled agriculturists. Traditionally they are well-known for their fighting prowess.
KARMALI : A small tribe, the traditional makers of iron utensils and implements.
KHARIA : A large tribe divided into different groups engaged mainly in cultivation.
KHARWAR : A large tribe mostly found in Palamau. They consider themselves as a mercenary warrior caste, now settled agriculturists.
KISAN : It means peasant cultivator. They mostly live in Palamau and Orissa. Some people believe they are an offshoot of Oraons.
KORA : Kora means earth digging. At present they are engaged in agriculture, share cropping, wood cutting and construction work. A small tribe.
KORWA : It also means earth digging. They are found in several States. In Jharkhand they are found in Palamau and Gumla Districts.
LOHRA : A large tribe. They are the traditional blacksmiths. Now they have taken up agriculture but black smithy remains the subsidiary occupation.
MAHLI : The traditional artisans of bamboo work and basket making.
MALPAHARIA : They are found in Santal Parganas. Traditional hunters and shifting cultivators. Now settled agriculturists.
MUNDA : One of the largest tribes. Munda means headman of a village. Rev. John Baptist Hoffmann S.J. (1857-1928) wrote his voluminous work "Encyclopaedia Mundarica" in 16 volumes. Settled agriculturists. They developed the Parha system of Government which is basically a confederacy of village governments.
ORAONS : Call themselves Kurukh. One of the large tribe. Land is the main economic source. They follow the Mundas in traditional government.
PAHARIA : Traditional slash and burn cultivation now work as agricultural labourers, basket makers along with hunting and gathering.
SANTAL : The third largest tribe of India. They have developed their own writing script "Olchiki". Mainly agriculturists, they take a keen interest in modern politics.
SAURIA PAHARIA : Mainly cultivators, live in Santal Pargana.
SAVAR : Tiny population, live in several States.